Kalamata leading the pack.
Kalamata is one of our new Ligerian (Nigerian Dwarf/La Mancha mix) goats from Mountain Lodge. Ever since her arrival she has won the hearts of humans, goats, and puppies alike. After careful observation, it has come to light that Kalamata is the head honcho, the big cheese, the Ligerians’ answer to Tootsie (of Super Tootsie fame). Kalamata may be small in stature, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in sass. She’s a go-getter, a clever, popular goat with a spring in her step and a taste for adventure. She was recently weaned off the bottle, but she’s not letting that get her down. Kalamata knows that she has what it takes to make it to the top. This goat has a lot of potential. The only question is: how will she handle the big move from pen to pasture? Only time will tell.