
My first day at Left Foot, I was awoken by the soft bleating of the baby goats in their pasture near my cabin. As I opened my door to see them, there were already a handful of friendly goat faces peeking out of their shed, looking at me inquisitively. Approaching the pasture, a half dozen goats bounded towards me happily, wagging their tiny tails, and bleating their friendly “hello’s”! Now every morning I look forward to their greeting, and I spend a few minutes petting them and scratching them under their chins before beginning work.

Though it’s been less than a week since I’ve arrived at the farm, I’ve already learned so much that I feel like I’ve been here much longer! When I first arrived I knew very little about goats and farming, and already by my fifth day I’m successfully milking by hand and machine! The other WWOOFers here at Left Foot have been so great and helpful and have really taken the time to teach me about the day to day working of the farm. It’s a great learning environment because everyone here was also once new to the farm, so they know what it’s like to start from scratch.

I decided to come to Left Foot because of my strong love for animals, and at Left Foot you’ll find pigs, chickens, alpaca, horses and dogs in addition to the goats. There is always a bit of leisure time on the farm, and that’s when I’ll take some carrots to Gypsy the horse, or check in on the baby chicks.

The best part about Left Foot so far has been all of the great people that I’ve met. All the WOOFers are excited to be here and passionate about working on the farm (probably because the goats are just TOO cute!). Folks here are interesting and interested. They make you feel at home when you first arrive, and open themselves to you to learn from them. We have fun and we work hard but most of all we love the goats!!

Emma. 2014